Clipping Policy

  • Refrain from creating works that could be considered unpleasant or misrepresents me
  • Limit your creation and derivative works to a fan/hobby level. With that being said, monetization is okay.
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including the terms and rules of any relevant platform
  • Do not clip moments that risk spreading private information or invite speculation! With live content, things slip though please be respectful of my boundaries related to privacy
  • Refrain from creating works that fall under these categories:
      • Content that is falsely represented as official, or that can be misinterpreted as official
      • Content that is defamatory/damaging to my reputation if discovered by a larger unfamiliar audience
      • Content that includes matters related to ideologies, beliefs, religion, or politics
      • Content that damages a third party’s image or violates their own boundaries as an individual

What is the Purpose of Clipping?

Clipping is helpful for those who do not have the time to watch a whole stream! It serves as a snippet of best moments and a way we an all think back to fun moments that happened on stream.

For clips that are spread across different platforms, they also serve the chance of helping create a lower barrier of entry to discovering my content, personality and being introduced to the community!

Finally, clips help me save time in watching back on streams   If you find a great moment, I can jump straight to making better short-form content to share the fun with those who don’t know about me already.

What to Include in your Clip if Publishing

  • Always include a link back to the original stream!
  • If you used any fanart for your thumbnail, credit the artist and link to them.
  • If you’re using external background music for an intro or outdo, credit the artist and link back to the original.

Context & Clickbait

  • Published clips should have sufficient context for the audience to get enough of an idea of what’s going on.
  • Do not clickbait for views
  • Do not take words out of context for the purposes of stirring drama for personal gain
  • Keep thumbnail art relevant to the clip

Accurate Translations

  • If you wish to translate in a different language that is not English, ensure that…
    • They are accurate to what is being said
    • They are readable
    • They are translated in good faith
    • If you made a mistake and it’s pointed out in the comments, acknowledge by hearting or pinning said comment.

Other Considerations

Do not publish clips on Youtube when a stream is still ongoing